not a species from Argentina:
Apistogramma pleurotaenia   (Regan, 1909)

published in:
Morgenstern, R. (2024):
Ein rätselhafter Zwergbuntbarsch – Apistogramma pleurotaenia (Regan, 1909).
DCG-Informationen 55 (10): 274-280

summary of text published in German:
The author concludes that the type material of Apistogramma pleurotaenia originated from Belém in Brazil and not from ‘La Plata’ as stated by Regan in the original description of the species. The type specimen, bred in captivity, was sent to Regan by German aquarium hobbyists and based on a thorough literature study valid arguments are provided that the transmitted details on the provenance of the original animals have been erroneous.