The aim of this page is to provide a permanently updated list of the freshwater fishes from Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay for the ichthyological community and anyone else interested in the subject.
PecesCriollos is based on the following national faunal lists:
for Argentina: Mirande & Koerber (2020): CLOFFAR-2
for Paraguay: Koerber, Vera-Alcaraz & Reis (2017): CLOFPY
for Uruguay: Litz & Koerber (2014): CLOFFUY.
All systematical changes that have been published since then, will allways be included in as soon as possible.
Regular updates will be provided frequently. Both, the initial lists and their respective last updates are available in the ‘lists & updates’ section.
With new entries coming in, earlier ones will disappear from the news bar to the right. You can still find those under ‘countries & species’ as national ‘news’. The A-Z section of each country shows all entries which have a link in the published lists or updates, in part dating back to 2003.
After 17 years PecesCriollos had to be switched to a new platform and layout. Some functions could not be maintained, while others, as e.g. the search function, came in as new.
Please check our partner section under ‘home’. Without their financial and technical support would not have been possible.