first record from Argentina:
Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)

published in:
Casciotta, J, A. Almirón, L. Ciotek, P. Giorgis, O. Říčan, L. Piálek, K. Dragová, Y. Croci, M. Montes, J. Iwaszkiw & A. Puentes (2016):
Visibilizando lo invisible. Un relevamiento de la diversidad de peces del Parque Nacional Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina.
Historia Natural 6 (2): 5-77

abstract (from publication):
The aim of this study is to survey the fish fauna of the Iguazu National Park and designate those vulnerable species with special value (EVVES). As a result of this project 104 species were recorded, of which 28 are endemic to the basin and 13 represent new records for Argentina. Finally, 87 species of PNI with special value representing 83% of total fish recorded were identified.

extract (from publication):
El único registro en el PNI se obtuvo a partir del decomiso de un espinel en el río Iguazú arriba de los saltos en la desembocadura del arroyo Santo Domingo. El ejemplar pesó entre 8 y 10 kg y fue identificado a partir de una foto tomada por un Guardaparque.

To state a first record based on a photo only is against the common standards. We accept this first record only because this species was reported already from the Iguazú river above the falls in Brazil by Baumgartner et al. (2012) and is subject to a future confirmation based on voucher material to be deposited in an ichthyological collection. If again a specimen is caught it should be frozen and handed over to ichthyologist.