first record from Argentina:
Hisonotus nigricauda (Boulenger, 1891)
locality from Argentina:
Corrientes, arroyo Cuay Grande, 28°41’S – 56°14’W (ILPLA 238)
distribution (from publication):
Hisonotus nigricauda is widely distributed in the laguna dos Patos system and in the rio Uruguai basin. In the laguna dos Patos system that species is found mostly in the lower portions of the drainages near the laguna do Patos, being absent in the upper portions of rio Jacuí basin. In the same manner, H. nigricauda is most commonly collected in the lower portions of the rio Uruguai basin, but being found in the headwaters of rio Negro, rio Quaraí, and rio Ibicuí drainages. Hisonotus nigricauda is apparently absent in the rio Uruguai basin above the mouth of rio Ibicuí.
published in:
Carvalho, T.P. (2008):
Revisão taxonômica das espécies de Hisonotus Eigenmann & Eigenmann (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) da bacia do rio Uruguai e sistema da laguna dos Patos.
Dissertacao de Mestrado. PUCRS, Porto Allegre, Brazil. 260 pp.