Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos
Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos provides the possibility to publish comments and results related to any aspect of the freshwater fishes of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and connected areas.
ICP is published irregularly at www.pecescriollos.de and is open to any contribution that might not be published in scientific magazines due to its assumed minor importance. Many valuable data as new geographical records, faunal lists, comments on other publications etc. that are difficult to publish in journals related to scientific institutions, still might be interesting to other researchers.
Contributions might be subject to a peer review process and contributors are encouraged to name two possible reviewers. Contributions are in English. Abstracts in Spanish may be included. Format is pdf-file. Publications for permanent records in the sense of the ICZN and statements published herein which might have have any influence in the systematical or nomenclatorial status of taxa must follow all aspects of the current version of the ICZN.
Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos is being archived
for permanent record by the German National Library.